The Performance
Vauxhall Show 2002
Advance ticket order form

Post your completed form to: A&S Publishing Co Ltd, PVS 2002, 35 St Michael’s Sq, Gloucester GL1 1HX, or fax it to us on 01452 384755 (Int +44 1452 384755).
Alternatively, telephone us now on 01452 317799 (Int +44 1452 317799) with your credit card/Switch details

Advance offer open until 27.5.02

Please send me.................... tickets for The Performance Vauxhall Show 2002 at the advance price of £6 per ticket (one ticket per person, under 16s get in free)

The total cost is £..................

I enclose a cheque or UK postal order payable to ‘A&S Publishing Co Ltd’ or please debit my card as detailed below

Personal details
Surname: First name:
House number/name: Street name:
Town: City:
Postcode: Country:
Daytime tel:
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